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Selectmen Minutes 11/10/05

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks;
Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
5:45 – in accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c ) Selectman Rainier moved to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted:  Affirmatively   
6:10 – motion by Selectman Rainier to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted:  Affirmatively   
Decision:  To have the Administrative Assistant contact Town Counsel for advice on how to proceed.
6:10 –  Budget Committee & Dept. Heads – to discuss proposed 2006 budgets
Selectmen discussed budgets as follows.
Building Inspector: Peter Hopkins stated he would like the title for his account changed from Building Inspector to Code Enforcement.  Selectmen approved this request.  
Cemeteries:  Selectmen Dumas asked exactly what maintenance is anticipated with the $2,000 that is being requested.  Cemetery Trustee Wyatt Fox stated he would look into this and get back to Selectmen, he didn’t work on the budget – Bob Plourde & Al Burtt did that.  It was noted there is $1,000 for an Arborist & $1,000 for tree replacement being requested in 2006.
Conservation: The budget remains primarily the same except for $600.00 for programs that will be offered in 2006.
Election/Reg/Vital Statistics:  Due to office hours Town Clerk, Fran Kendall was not available to discuss her budget, however her proposed 2006 budget is down from 2005.
Executive: There were no questions
Financial Administration: Tax Collector, Bob Geisel was not present to represent the Financial & Administrative budget.  Myron Steere asked about assessing and/or auditing and if this will be placed out to bid? Selectman Rainier mentioned continuity is worth maintaining the same firm, but that the Selectmen have discussed bidding these out. BudCom suggested these be placed out to bid in the future.  Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren asked to reduce his salary to $1,750.00 and to increase the Deputy Treasurer to $150.00 Salary.
Fire: Fire Chief, Loren White was not available to discuss his budget.  As was previously discussed with Selectmen, a warrant article for $250,000.00 might be submitted for a new fire truck.  The warrant article would be contingent upon receiving a grant from FEMA for $225,000.00 – a cost to the Town of $25,000.00
General Gov’t Buildings: Budget Committee member, Bruce Dodge asked if a bid for the alarm at the old town office could be included in the budget for 2006.  Administrative Assistant will look into this.  Possible building repairs/maintenance was discussed (i.e. Cupola repair at Town Office, new furnace & 10 windows) – this line item may change as bids for the various repairs are received.
Health Agencies: No questions
Highway: The highway budget was discussed, the Part-Time wages were questioned.  Road Agent, Wyatt Fox indicated this is for 5 hours a week for Mr. Pelkey to work for the highway and then additional partime wages for extra workers.  Overtime wages were questioned, Mr. Fox explained he figures 15% for overtime.  Budget Committee member, Aaron Kullgren asked if Mr. Fox could provide a conclusive idea of what actually is in the Road Reconstruction line?  Fox responded that it is road material & piping, wages, fuel etc.  Kullgren further asked if he could get an idea of how much it actually costs to rebuild a road.  Lengthy discussion followed, Mr. Fox indicated he would work on this.  Budget Committee member, Myron Steere asked about the vehicle maintenance line, Mr. Fox stated that though the equipment is new, there are still breakdowns and repairs that are needed.  
 Mr. Fox indicated he is going to submit a warrant article for a new Ford F550 truck, the cost is $75,000.00.
Insurance: Increases in this line are due to additional equipment, the property liability for the Waste Water site, Fire apparatus etc.  Workmans Comp is increased due to claims and a higher factor number.
Interest: Selectman Dumas asked that the interest figure be double checked.
Legal: No questions
Library: Librarian, Gail Smith requested to increase P/T wages to include another employee 6 hours/week.
Other General Government: Discussion of off site back-ups ensued, Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson will check on this with the IT person and have this set up accordingly.
Parks & Recreation: Increase in P/T wages due to increased hours for summertime lifeguards.  Budget Committee member, Karen Day asked for a clear breakdown of all wages.
Planning Board: No questions
Police: No questions
Recycling: Selectman Rainier asked Mr. Pelkey about the $400.00 for refridgerant removal, it hasn’t been used in several years and Rainier asked why?  Mr. Pelkey stated that NRRA pumps it, they take the refridgerators and pump them off site.  Mr. Pelkey was asked to look into this and assure there are no potential repercussions on the town.  Machinery & equipment will be increased to $2,000, this will include the box trailer.  Supervisors wages include 40 hours at the recycling center, Selectmen instructed Administrative Assistant to reduce this to 30 hours.  Part time wages need to be increased, selectmen further instructed Administrative Assistant to figure the amount accordingly and increase part-time wages.
No further discussion the budgets.
Warrant Articles were discussed, the following warrant articles will be submitted:
Recycling - $4,500.00 – paving
Highway - $75,000.00 – F550, fully equipped – tailboard sander included
Fire Dept. - $250,000.00 – Fire Truck - $225,000.00 reimbursed through FEMA Grant funds
BOS – Lighting downtown – 6 lights & a panel board - $30,000.00
Budget Committee – discussed a Road Bond to be proposed on an annual basis. Would require 2/3 vote.
7:30 - Gene Mitchell – follow-up on Grant property – Mr. Mitchell left at approximately 8:00 - his appointment had not yet been heard.
On – going matters:
Church Lease -
WW Hookups –
Building Code Issues –
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Invoices
·       Minutes –11/03/05 as written,
·       Letters – Marlene Paulson letter

Other Items –
·       Follow up on last week items –
SWRPC – counts
A/P –
·       Rymes invoices – The Dept. Head has not approved these August invoices, the selectmen had a memo regarding do we pay them or not?  Selectmen instructed the Administrative Assistant to see that these invoices are paid ASAP.
·       Building Inspector – Invoice for Education?  The office staff understood the $25.00/hour salary requested in 2005 included all expenses.  When questioned, the code officer said that it covers everything EXCEPT this one class & mileage.  It was requested the central office have something in writing to allow for some clarity as to what should or should not be processed & what is paid for via the sub contractor. Code Officer, Peter Hopkins provided a written statement as to what is being included in his salary and what is included in municipal expenses. (i.e. all mileage, education etc. is to be paid for through his salary with the exception of this one yearly course, which is split among three towns he works for.)
·       Tax Rate has been set –  $16.50/1000 – 100% equalized rate – down $11.75

With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 5:45 pm -